Sunday 23 January 2011

Gorton Bothy, Bridge of Orchy

So the perfect mountain winter has come to Scotland in the form of billions of six-sided ice crystals.  They accumulate in a wonderful array of layered snow packs - perfect for getting the use out of crampons and ice-axe on a good concave slope.  We arrive near the Glencoe range at 9:30pm and find - no snow!? 
Who moved it?  To be sure, most of the remaining snow was just visible on the tops of the mountains through the darkness.  We were only slightly disappointed.  Ian, Ryan, Thomas, Ethan, Ben and I got kitted up and left the car at 10pm to start the 5-mile hike to the bothy.  2 minutes in and we have to ford 3 small tributary mountain streams.  Ryan gets a soaking, Thomas jumps and struggles to keep from rolling in and we pass through a magical vanishing forest.  When we arrive at the bothy it's 1am and we are only getting started.  The rest of the trip is history . . . enjoy the photos!

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